Thursday, February 27, 2020

Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Communication - Assignment Example Fortunately, the team leader was an experienced and competent figure and managed to resolve the conflict. He cleared the real problem in a face-to –face conversation and encouraged the conflict parties to collaboration. The effect was amazing! The team finished the project successfully, and team members improved their relationships. The interview with team leaders was a difficult task for me as it required long preparation; however, I had to react on spot in the discussion all the time. The interviewees were pleased with possibility to share their experience and gave extended and interesting answers. I realized that for a leader it is crucial to share with experience as leadership is not devotion, it is a skill, which can be practiced. For instance, some top managers of the companies can change the sphere of their work from car manufacture to laptops production. The experience of team managing is universal and it can be applied to any sphere that is why it is so important to learn all about

Monday, February 10, 2020

News Article Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

News Article - Assignment Example According to the report by National Center for health Statistics and the newspaper, data indicates a 76% increase in the rate of twin births in the US (BAKALAR). The article educates about the dangers of using fertility drugs. The fertility drugs interrupts with the cycles and induces hormones in the bodies of females. The drugs also enhance sexual activities leading to more sexual contacts and eventual fertilization. The most important poit to learn from the article is that the fertility drugs interfere with women cycles hence may increase the rate of fertilization. The article is valid scientifically and can be supported by various points. One is the fundamental reason that hormones, which can be induced or suppressed by drugs, control the process of pregnancy. This knowledge has led to increased use of drugs to enhance the process of pregnancy. The drugs have several effects amongst them being the multiple births. BAKALAR, NICHOLAS. Twin Births in the U.S., Like Never Before. 23 January 2012. 2013 . Two-thirds of the increase is probably explained by the growing use of fertility drugs and assisted reproductive technology. The remainder is mainly attributable to a rise in the average age at which women give birth. Older women are more likely to produce more than one egg in a cycle, and 35 percent of births in 2009 were to women over age 30, up from 20 percent in 1980. This age-induced increase applies only to fraternal twins, though; the rate of identical twin births does not change with the age of the mother. From 1980 through 2004, increases in twin birth rates averaged more than 2 percent a year, but from 2004 to 2009, the increase slowed to 1 percent annually. Joyce A. Martin, the lead author of the report, suggested that better techniques in fertility enhancement procedures may have